Thursday 21 October 2010

Making new connections at the University of Melbourne

The UK might not have the last word on collegieate cloistered squares  of scholarly learning but Melbourne certainly has the edge on cafe culture.....Today was spent getting to know some of the members of the Department of General Practice and presenting a paper on my work in the UK but it began with a coffee and cake in one of Carlton's oldest cafes, Buretti's where Lena (Sanci)and I shared our experiences of exploring how GPs might become more involved in promoting the emotional well-being of young people. It's interesting to see where the commonalities and where the differences lie-funding structures and organizational constraints play a part in explaining differences whilst the similarities sit more with the art and craft of general practice itself.
My paper was well received and was followed by a delicious lunch with two departmental staff, Kelsey Hegarty and Anita, in an uber cafe resplendent with bikes on the wall.Picture to follow....

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