Thursday 14 October 2010

GPs and children's education

I did a fair bit of walking today, dodging the rain showers, on the school run; on the hunt for a cuddly  koala for Freya before I fly off to Melbourne; dipping into the Art Gallery before meeting up with the GP Headstart education programme co-ordinator at the Women and Children's Hospital.
Very interesting to hear about the familar challenges of engaging GPs with young people's mental health issues in the absence of a lively local network of similarly minded GPs. I'm guessing its a global problem.....Still, it was good to hear about the Headstart initiative and consider its applicability to a UK setting.

Children, on the other hand, are far easier to engage with learning; so long as they are loved and cherished ; well-fed, clothed and housed. Freya is coping well with her new school and the social and scholastic challenges a new school and education system raises. Today was school photo day so she'll have an official record of her memorable experience for keeps. I love the welcoming friendly ambience at school-the disco music playing on arrival on random days with the sports hall open for the use of 'jump ropes' and balls; the open canteen serving coffee and oat cookies and the sign in reception which reads: ' Step inside-its warm in here!'.

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