Wednesday 3 November 2010

Understanding more of Australia's history

Freya and I are enjoying a restorative time at a good friend's house in Ballarat before concluding our trip.
Today we visited Sovereign Hill to learn more about The Goldrush which shaped Australia in the 1850s. Understanding more about a country-or in the case of Australia-a state's history is essential to grasping how a public service or initiative has evolved. It is particularly useful with regard to understanding more about the population history and stories of migration.

Freya panning for gold. She was proud to be successful!

Ballarat-an Aboriginal name meaning place of rest ( highly appropriate) still evokes its 150 year of history with its solidly built , imposing architecture reflecting its wealth.

It has been good to take stock and consider both everyday life and Australia's history in order to better understand the contemporary picture and to explore how youth primary mental health care inititiaves might translate into a UK setting.

We leave for Sydney tomorrow...Lots of packing to do-I delivered 4.5kg of documents to the post office to be sent by sea yesterday! At least that will have lightened my load.

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