Saturday 6 November 2010

First day in Sydney

We have arrived in Sydney!
We landed between showers and the weather has been disappointing but more than compensated
for by the warmest of welcomes from Jill Gordon and her family.
Friday saw Freya and I negotiating the public transport system-old hands now-and I met the Manager of the Centre for the Advancement of Adolescent Health
based at the Childdren's Hospital.Fiona discussed the provision of Youth Health Services in New South wales,
different again to what I had encountered in South Australia and Victoria.
She then outlined the work of the Centre: applied research; policy; training and resources and talked in detail about the
education for GPs programme.
This new 12 hour series of modules is currently being piloted in a rural region and is soon to be trialled in central Sydney.
I will watch the outcome with anticipation as the intention of the CAAH is to make the programme available outside of NSW
with the overarching aim being improving the quality of care offered to young people;
wheverer they live.
After lunch Freya and I then set off to explore the city. We jumped on the monorail; browsed in paddy's market; walked round Darling Harbour; glimpsed the Chinese Friendship garden-
sadly now raining heavily ; before we caught the train back to Jill's gracious and inviting house to spend the evening together.

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