Friday 24 September 2010

Sydney is added to the itinerary

Adding Sydney  to the end of the trip: I have made contact with a number of academic primary care clincial researchers  in Sydney associated with young people's mental -who are all very encouraging about meeting up and I am now hoping to fix some time.
A trip to Sydney also means Freya and I get the chance to meet up and stay with a dear friend who was my   academic mentor when I moved into medical education: Professor Jill Gordon

Thursday 9 September 2010

first steps

Date of departure from UK Sept 30th
Due to arrive Adelaide Oct 2nd 0615

Already my schedule is filling up steadily and I am heartened by the positive and enthusaistic response from colleagues down under, most of whom I have never met as yet.

There is so much I want to see and learn from on the trip and it is all down to the legacy of Winston Churchill and those who  manage his Trust Fund and have created the opportunity of Fellowships.
Check out their website for details of the next round of Fellowships. It could be your turn next!

I am grateful for the award of a Fellowship and hope I do the honour justice.

Best wishes